Euclidean distance map(EDM)这个概念可能听过的人也很少,其主要是用在二值图像中,作为一个很有效的中间处理手段存在。一般的处理都是将灰度图处理成二值图或者一个二值图处理成另外一个二值图,而EDM算法确是由一幅二值图生成一幅灰度图。其核心定义如下:

  The definition is simple enough: each point in the foreground is assigned a brightness value equal to its straight line (hence “Euclidean”) distance from the nearest point in the background.

  或者用一句更简洁的话说就是:The value of each pixel is the distance to the nearest background pixel (for background pixels, the EDM is 0)。



            图一: 使用普通的逐像素的处理(从做至右依次是:二值原图、闭操作、开操作,找到的边界)


            图二: 使用基于EDM的处理(从做至右依次是:二值原图、闭操作、开操作,找到的边界)




  1. Assign the brightness value of 0 to each pixel in the background and a large positive value (greater than the maximum feature width) to each pixel in a feature.

  2. Proceeding from left to right and top to bottom, assign each pixel within a feature a brightness value one greater than the smallest value of any of its neighbors.

  3. Repeat step 2, proceeding from right to left and bottom to top.


       The EDM algorithm is similar to the 8SSEDT in F. Leymarie, M. D. Levine, in: CVGIP Image Understanding, vol. 55 (1992), pp 84-94